Mindway AI Shows Its Support for Psykologisk Revy

On Friday, Mindway AI attended the Psykologisk Revy. The Psykologisk Revy is a student revue in Aarhus University, taking place every autumn performs a show of singing, dancing, music, and sketches. The revue is made by around 70 voluntary psychology students from the age of 20-28 years, who all contribute in different ways. This is organized in different groups, who are responsible for respectively acting, music, singing, costumes, media, social gatherings, dance and set pieces. Furthermore, the board, consisting of five students, takes care of practical arrangements.

This year is the 4th time in a row the event was held in Musikhuset Aarhus and the revues content regards among other things, life as a student, the world of psychology and current societal issues. All interested psychology students can participate in the writing process and therefore the manuscript contains great diversity, humor, and creativity. The revue is a social gathering of psychology students of all semesters and creates a foundation for new friendships and a unique community.

Om Psykologisk Revy

Psykologisk revy er en studenterrevy på Aarhus Universitet, som hvert efterår arrangerer et brag af et show med sang, dans, musik og sketches. Revyen opføres af omkring 70 frivillige psykologistuderende i alderen 20-28 år, som alle bidrager på forskellig vis. Dette foregår i kreative grupper, som er ansvarlige for henholdsvis skuespil, musik, sang, kulisse, kostume, medie, socialt samvær, dans og teknik. Desuden varetages alverdens praktiske elementer af bestyrelsen, som består af seks studerende.

I år spiller vi for 4. gang i Musikhuset i Aarhus og revyens indhold omhandler bla. studielivet på Aarhus Universitet, psykologiens verden og samfundsaktuelle emner. Alle interesserede psykologistuderende kan deltage i skriveprocessen, og manuskriptet rummer derfor stor alsidighed, humor og kreativitet. Revyen samler således psykologistuderende på tværs af alle semestre, og dermed skabes grundlaget for nye venskaber og et unikt fællesskab.

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