Casino Guru and Mindway AI advance RG self-test game in time for SGW24 

Casino Guru, the leading online casino database and a champion of informed play in the gambling industry, continues to build upon its responsible gambling partnership with Mindway AI, a prominent RG tech and solutions  provider focusing on offering actionable real-time insight into consumer gambling behavior, by launching the revised campaign focused on the Gamalyze self-assessment game, in time for Safer Gambling Week 2024 (SGW24).    

The game which is a reinvention of the self-test, comes in the form of a card game andoffers players an opportunity to analyze their own gambling habits through engaging and anonymous play. The game is available  directly on Casino Guru’s website thanks to a dedicated widget that welcomes players on the home page and is also available as featured “Game of the Week” on the website.  

To help further improve this year’s game reach, Casino Guru has partnered up with numerous partner casinos that will similarly feature the title and allow players to try the game and better understand their own relationship with gambling.  

Casino Guru has reached out to subscribers with additional details about the campaign, aiming to significantly expand its reach and raise awareness among a larger audience. Previous campaign iterations received 1,800 gameplays each, and Casino Guru is now determined to improve on this milestone. Šimon Vincze, Casino Guru’s Head of Sustainable & Safer Gambling, shared the following: 
“I am excited about this year’s upgrade to the campaign and can’t wait to see the results. Together with Niamh from Mindway AI, we were looking for ways to attract more people to play the game and learn more about the risks involved as a natural part of their gambling experience. The upgrades we introduced are promising, and we are confident we can increase the numbers significantly.” 

Once the game is completed, Mindway AI provides players with detailed feedback on their gameplay, and analyze certain behavioral markers, such as how players respond to rewards and losses, the frequency of their wins and how risky their gambling behavior is.   

Ultimately, the assessment seeks to improve people’s understanding of their own risk-taking behavior, and what they can learn from it. Both companies are dedicated to bringing the concept of safer gambling to the forefront of players’ awareness, and this innovative collaboration allows them to achieve this goal in a creative and enjoyable manner.  

To access the widget and test your gambling style, head over to Casino Guru’s home page and click on the widget in the upper right corner of the screen, or check the “Game of the Week,” which will feature Gamalyze throughout SGW24.  

Casino Guru and Mindway AI first introduced the campaign in 2022, relaunching it along with today’s improvements in time for SGW24.  

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